My sister recently imposed a new budget on us for Christmas presents. With the sour economy and the rather large number of cousins on that side of the family, we are now only allowed to buy presents for the cousins that fall in the $5 to $10 range. Normally I enjoy spending a bit more and finding something really fun for my nieces and nephews, but with this budget on my shopping, I’m going to be looking for great deals over the next few months.
My quest for cheap Barbie games is going to be the main point of my search. One of my nieces is getting to the age where she is clearly ready to start playing with Barbie games. The other niece is already enjoying Barbie games and will likely enjoy one of the more unusual career choices that Barbie games seem to have lately. Of course, since I’m on a budget here, I have to look around and find the dolls on sale. Fortunately, this is easily done – shopping is great fun, but finding an awesome deal on Barbie games is even better!