Saturday, June 28, 2008

Barbie Games Online

If you’re bored with regular Barbie games and chat rooms and social sites aren’t doing much for you online, you need something new and exciting. If you’re into Barbie or you used to be, you’ll love Barbie games online. Why? They’re fun and very different from what you might expect.

Barbie was fun because you could dress her up and let her play with her friends. That sort of Barbie game might not interest you now, but you wouldn’t mind playing dress up games with Barbie if she actually had some fashionable clothes to wear. Well, she does – you just have to find them online.

Online Barbie games are constantly evolving and they almost always have the hottest fashions. The exception would be period pieces like fancy ball gowns and wedding dresses. But most of the time even those are romantic and totally updated. In a matter of minutes you can have Barbie suited up in an outfit worthy of the red carpet.

If you haven’t tried Barbie games online, I urge you to give them a shot. You’ll soon discover just how interesting they can be and you’ll be hooked in minutes. The best part of all? There are so many Barbie games, it’s impossible to get bored!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Barbie Races

On your mark! Get set! Go! Barbie has some awesome vehicles. Jeeps, campers, Corvettes and even horse drawn carriages are always ready to take Barbie where she needs to go at a moment’s notice. If you’re lucky enough to have a few choices of transportation mode for your Barbie, why not line them up and have the ultimate showdown in Barbie races?

Gather a few friends and get Barbie dressed appropriate for the big race. Of course your friends should bring their own Barbies to the race. Everyone should draw a mode of transportation for the race as it might not be fair to the horse and carriage driver if the Hummer and Corvette aren’t assigned randomly.

Then get your suited up Barbies ready for action. Of course you can always set whatever rules you want, but a good rule of thumb is everyone must drive or race their Barbie and vehicle without leaving the right form. That means you’ll be on the ground pushing your Corvette along the same way your little sister would. This also gives the Corvette and the camper equal odds – or at least as equally as you and your friend can push them.

The first Barbie to arrive at the finish line after traveling correctly is the winner. That means that Barbie must actually stay on the horse or inside the moving Jeep, of course.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Barbie Games: Make a Wardrobe

Want to do something new with your Barbies? You love the clothes Barbie wears, but why stop with the conventional, ready-made wardrobe. With a thread and needle, you can make your own Barbie clothes.

Grab some fabric squares, old, clean socks, needle, thread, and maybe some fabric glue. Then clear a work area and get started. Barbie clothes are going to be small, so you’ll want to measure carefully. Put down a piece of fabric flat on the floor. Lay Barbie on top of the fabric and use her as a guide for the right size you’ll need.

Trace a skirt or pants leaving about ½ an inch all around to be sure the item will be large enough to make it around Barbie’s body. Then fold the material in half and cut out the item. You should wind up with two identical pieces of cut material.

Put the fabric together with the pretty side facing in. You’ll want to sew the clothes inside out. Then thread your needle and carefully stitch up the very outside of each seam. If the stitching isn’t going to well, you can use glue. Then, when the glue is dry and the thread is tied off, flip your garment the right way (all the seams should now be on the inside) and let Barbie try on her new outfit.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Barbie Games Online

Barbie is a girl’s best friend – well, at least an affordable one, we can’t all have diamonds. If you happen to love your Barbies, be sure you’ve tried every kind of Barbie game around, including online Barbie games.

Barbie Game Basics
Online Barbie Games are a rather simple concept, but with plenty of options and details. You can easily spend a full afternoon online with Barbie if you’re not careful. To play Barbie games online, you simply dress Barbie much like an online paper dolls.

Barbie has clothes and her normal body, but all online. Pick out outfits, accessories and even hairstyles for Barbie to wear and keep trying outfits until you find the perfect one. Then print your picture or save it before making another one.

Benefits of Barbie Games
One of the best things about Barbie games is how many there are. New games are being released constantly and the games that are already out are always getting new items and updates. Log on to online Barbie games every morning and you’ll always find something new.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Why You Love Barbie Games

She’s blonde, she’s beautiful, she’s online! Barbie games are easily one of the best ways to play with your Barbies now. There are plenty of reasons online Barbie games are better than the traditional dolls ever were, but if you need a bit of reminding, here’s why you should totally love Barbie games:

Barbie Games are Free!
One of the best reasons Barbie online is so great is that almost all of the Barbie games are free. You can play to your heart’s content without paying for any services or even registering, for that matter. Just play – don’t pay!

Barbie Games are Constantly Updating!
Your old Barbie only had the clothes you bought her. Barbie games give you countless options for clothes because they are constantly updating old games and releasing new ones. Barbie is everywhere and looks great all the time.

They’re So Many Barbie Games!
You might have five Barbies, but there are easily 500 Barbie games you can find in less than a minute. Play as many as you like and if you’re over one, move onto the next. It doesn’t get any easier than that!

Barbie Games are Everywhere!
Unless you like to bring your Barbie with you, you’re denied access to your old-fashioned Barbie games when you leave the house. But online Barbie games are easily found at school, the library or a friend’s house whenever you want to play.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bored? Try Barbie Games

It’s not unusual to start feeling a little blah with all the usual stuff you do online. If you’re caught online one day without any friends to chat with or homework to do, why not have a little blast form the past?

Before Bratz and American Dolls, there were Barbie dolls. If you’re lucky enough to still have your originals, dig in your closet and pull them out. You can arrange outfits and dress up your dolls just like you did years ago. Or maybe just weeks ago. Whatever.

Or if you’re looking for something new, you can enjoy Barbie games online. There are many websites that offer Barbie games, including her own site, Play Barbie games from all over the world and you’ll soon discover that the latest fashions and accessories are online as well as different kinds of Barbies. Unless you have the biggest Barbie collection in the world, you can’t rival that!

Barbie games are mostly about dress up, but you can do other things with Barbie as well. Dress up Barbie, and then print our your creation for decorations or to use as an illustration for a poem or story you’re working on. Or maybe you can just send the link to a friend and the two of you can compete to make the best Barbie outfit of the night.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Barbie’s Waist

You might not be aware, but Barbie games have come under much fire over the last few decades because Barbie’s waist was too small. If Barbie was a real girl, she would be 5’9” tall and have an 18 inch waist. It’s completely unrealistic – even with a corset of the 1800s.

There was great concern that girls would try to look like Barbie and in doing so hurt themselves by trying to reach a standard that was completely unobtainable. Barbie’s height and proportions alone are hard for most girls as the average height of a woman is just over 5’5.” Barbie’s like a model – very few of us will ever come close in stature. Fortunately, at least, Barbie didn’t stay too thin.

When Mattel redesigned Barbie a few years ago, they made a few important changes to the doll. Barbie used to bend at the waist, and the joint there was part of what made her waist so unbelievably tiny. The new Barbie gained a thicker waist that didn’t move, but had a belly button.

I don’t know about most girls, but I’d gladly trade an unhealthy waist size for a really great belly button any day of the week.