Monday, September 5, 2011

Barbie Games and Fashion Models

I went searching for a new Barbie game the other day for a birthday present. Normally I love looking through the aisles of Barbie dolls to find just the right one to give as a gift, and there were plenty there to choose from, but I’ll admit I’m a bit disappointed in some of the newer Barbie games in the list. Barbie has always been a hit for birthday parties, but I didn’t see the fun fashions and bright colors that I usually look for in the newest Barbie collection.

The new line of Barbie Basics doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I get it that they are supposed to look like basic Barbies who might be on the runway, but that’s not the point of real Barbie Games. The Barbie games are really about fun fashions and beautiful gowns. You’re supposed to make believe with the Barbie outfits and games and find new ways to wear the clothing. There isn’t much you can do with a pair of jeans and a tank top. Frankly I was unimpressed. Hopefully they dress up the new Barbie games soon.  

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