Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer Barbie Games

Barbie games are great any time of the year, but they are especially fun in the summer when it’s too hot outside to play outside every day. So rather than burning up in the heat, come back inside with your Barbie dolls to play a few Barbie games. If you haven’t played with your Barbie games in a few years, but that is no reason you can’t enjoy them this year.

Pull out your Barbie dolls and enjoy yourself like you did years ago. Dress up the Barbies, put them in their cars and drive them around. Bring out the Ken dolls and see what kind of romance you can still up between the dolls again. After all, rumor is Barbie and Ken are getting back together.

When you tire of your dolls, and this might take days depending on how creative you get and whether or not your friends join in the fun, play Barbie games online. There are hundreds of Barbie dress up games all over the internet and you can dress up the dolls online, save them for your various profiles and print them out. Challenge friends to a Barbie dress up contest to help make those hot summer days pass more quickly.

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