Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Barbie Games and Babysitting

It’s amusing really, but I’ve never played as many Barbie games in my life as I get to when I’m babysitting. It’s a true Barbie games phenomenon. I think the reason every little girl I babysit gets excited about playing Barbie games with me, the older, wiser babysitter is that I’m not her mother and I’m not her own age. I’m in between – a teenager ready to impose real fashion wisdom and advice. The fact that I’m just someone new to play with certainly doesn’t hurt either.

I remember growing up and getting excited at the idea of a babysitter coming over to play with us. We’d make plans for all of the exciting games we’d enjoy with the grown-up teenager, and I’m reasonably sure that’s what I’m experiencing today. The girls I babysit think I’m cool and that I’m a great person to play Barbie games with. I, for one, am not going to bust their bubble by letting them know about my fashion weaknesses. Instead I’ll be wise, savvy and fashion-forward, so long as I have a Barbie outfit to show for it.

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