Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Barbie Games and Growing Up

I don’t think it’s necessary to leave Barbie games behind when we grow up. Barbie games are the same sort of thing as footballs and cartoons. We might let them rest for awhile, but we’ll always be back – you can keep a girl away from her Barbie games. Growing up, you played with the dolls. First you might have expertly handled the Princess Barbies. Then you got the more grown-up Barbie games with real jobs and plenty of accessories including a boyfriend or two.

But that’s not enough for us now. As you’ve grown older, it’s only natural to want more. You can get more though by visiting the Barbie games online. These games are essentially the same sort of thing. You get a Barbie doll and plenty of special Barbie clothing. Simply dress up the Barbie games with the clothing by dragging and dropping the items from one spot to the other. When you’re finished, you have a beautiful Barbie doll that is perfect for having a great paperdoll-based afternoon.

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