Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Barbie Games and Horses

I was surprised recently to find a Barbie game that included Barbie herself and a horse. The horse was amazingly similar to the Barbie horse that I played with when I was a child. It was actually my sister’s Barbie horse, but it was gratifying to see that some things just never change very much in the world of Barbie. In a world of constantly changing dynamics, at least some things have lasted the decades – Barbie’s horse.

If memory serves the horse we had to play with came all by itself. Back then, you bought the accessories on their own – they didn’t come with the Barbie dolls, too. Now though there are countless accessories and almost all of them seem to come with a new Barbie doll as well. The Barbie games that are available today might be similar to those that were available a few decades ago, but they are definitely still popular with the young girls of today. It might be old to me, but it’s all new and exciting for three-year-olds today.

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