Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Barbie Games: Blonde and Beautiful

If you listen to the media, Barbie should be any number of things simply because she also is blonde and beautiful. Tall, thin, graceful and stylish, Barbie is what many of us hope to become (although we realize we can never be her exact dimensions.) Yet despite her wholesome good looks, Barbie gets a lot of flack over the deeper meaning of her blonde and beautiful appearance.

Barbie’s Dumb
Once of the most immediate assumptions is the Barbie is dumb. A natural blonde who also happens to be wealthy enough for the Barbie Dream House and a Corvette must be getting by on look alone, right? Nobody could be lucky enough to have it all, including a sharp wit and intelligence. That would so fundamentally unfair to the rest of us.

Barbie’s Unhealthy
Barbie can’t possibly be the proportions that she is and be healthy. It’s been shown time and time again that her belly and waist are much too small to accommodate her more generous endowment. So, many will glare at poor Barbie and accuse her of projecting an unhealthy body image on others – like she can help how she’s made.

Barbie’s A Prep
Unlike her urban compatriots, the Bratz, Barbie is a bit of a prep with clean, classic clothes and only a few edgier pieces. Of course, she’s always been that way, so what else is new?

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