Saturday, October 25, 2008

Why Adults Like Barbie Games

If you’ve ever seen your mom play Barbies, you can probably tell right away that she remembers playing with her own dolls growing up or at the very least, the dolls of a sister or friend. Barbie games are popular across generations and across cultural lines. It’s no mystery why so many adults still like Barbie:

Playing with clothing is relaxing and fun. Of course taking yourself to a dressing room and trying on fabulous new outfits is one thing, but when you can’t do that, you can always dress up your Barbies.

Barbies are from simpler times. Adults have too much to do every day and when they have a chance to stop and enjoy life, they do. Barbies are a sign of a time your mom had it easier than she likely does now.

Barbies are wholesome. As far as you playing with Barbie games, your parents probably have few objections as Barbies are considered wholesome after so many generations at the top of the toy pyramid. Recently they’ve become even more wholesome to offset the not-so-clean-and-classic Bratz dolls.

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