Saturday, October 4, 2008

Three Ways Barbie Changed the World

So you think your Barbie doll is just that – a doll? Barbie games, believe it or not have more power than the power to amuse you on a rainy afternoon. Barbie has actually changed the world.

Barbie Made Us Believe
Before Barbie there were only baby dolls which needed new clothes and burping. The introduction of Barbie games let us believe in characters that were older than us and gave us freedom to make up real stories about her.

Barbie Games Made Us Think
If you’ve never heard the controversy surrounding Barbie, you’re living in the dark. Barbie is a thin, attractive little thing with proportions that are completely out of this world. This has got many people spun up, and it does make you think about your own version of beautiful.

Barbie Games Bring Us Together
There are Barbies or similar dolls all over the world. If you visit a foreign country, you’ll likely feel out of your element for a bit, but if you bring your Barbie along, there is a very good chance that you won’t be the only one playing fashion games – even if you can’t speak a word to each other.

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