Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Barbie Games and History

Barbie games are such an interesting marker of history. To be successful over fifty years, as Barbie games have been, the dolls must be in line with the times and desirable to the young girls who enjoy them and their mothers who like to find the right things for their children to play with. Barbie games are very much in line with American history and it’s fun to watch to progression of fashion over the years as the Barbies have changed.

Without spending too much time on her shrinking waistline or growing chest, Barbie’s fashions and career choices are the most interesting to this blogger. I think it’s fascinating that the styles of hair and clothing change as much on Barbie as they do on magazine covers and runways. The earliest Barbie had a high ponytail and a striped bathing suit. She was followed by a bouffant Barbie in a tight suit. The seventies Barbie was a bit earthier and gradually we got the Barbie we know and love today.

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