Friday, April 9, 2010

Barbie Games as Gifts

There is nothing more exciting for a little girl than opening up a big Barbie box and finding the treasures inside. Barbie games are an exciting surprise for most little girls, but not all. The Barbie games should be given to girls who you are comfortable with. After all, it would be awkward to give Barbie games to a little girl whose mother hates the “non-feminist” mark of Barbie in her household. Of course, in those cases, the little girl is almost sure to love the doll since her friends already have them, but you run the risk of upsetting her parents.

To pick the right Barbie as a present, get in touch with a little girl’s parents. Ask them if there is anything in particular she needs to complete her Barbie collection. You might be the proud bearer of the Barbie horse she’s been wanting for months when you show up at the party. If you just know that the Barbies are the way to go, play it safe with a Barbie that’s not objectionable. Find the ones that have prestigious careers like doctors and pilots so that you can show that women, even plastic ones, can be anything they want.

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