Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Barbie Games and Christmas

There is nothing finer than Barbie games when it comes to picking out Christmas presents for my young friends. I have at least ten children on my Christmas list and Barbie games make it very easy to pick out something for most of them – the girls at least. The trick is to find the Barbie games that wouldn’t be considered even marginally offensive to anyone. This usually just means picking out the dolls carefully to be sure you have the best ones for the job.

My favorite of the bunch are the Disney princess dolls and I especially like the princesses that came out in the last few decades. I don’t like the idea of giving my friends princess dolls that are wimpy or weak. I’d much rather give them the princesses that took care of business in their own right. My second choice is the Barbies that have tougher jobs. I’ve seen a lot of the “baby doctor” Barbie games and a few of the Barbie vet games as well. I’m thinking those are going to definitely top the list for this year.

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