Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Barbie Games Just Got Sweeter

If money is sweet, and of course it is, Barbie games are going to be outrageous. Why, you might ask? The answer is simple – Barbie just won a huge fight against Bratz, and now she’s going to reap some serious rewards for the win.

What Happened?

Barbie sued Bratz because the Bratz dolls were essentially a rip-off of Barbie. The courts just recently agreed with Barbie that the Bratz dolls were based on Barbie ideas and materials, so now Bratz have to pay up. Millions of dollars will change hands and Barbie is the clear winner.

Now What?

If the people who make Barbie have millions extra to spend, you can assume that some of that money is going to trickle down to you and me. There will be more interesting products and the online games and websites will certainly get just a little bit sweeter.

Of course, there is no guarantee that anything will change, but Barbie just slugged it out with her enemy, the Bratz, and won. Why wouldn’t she do just a wee bit of celebrating?

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