Saturday, January 10, 2009

Barbie Games – Help Barbie Find Romance

It’s getting closer to Valentine’s Day and we all know that Barbie is having trouble in the romance department. She broke up with Ken – it was getting much to serious, so now she’s looking for love, and it’s up to you to help her find it. Since we’re talking about Barbie games here, I have a few suggestions for Barbie’s next big romance:

Ken – Sure she rejected him, but why not give it another chance? They’ve both been through a lot since the big break-up, maybe it’s time to move on and give love another chance.

Obi-Wan Kenobi – He is a master Jedi training some of the best Jedi knights, including the one that turned on his brethren. When I vote for Obi-Wan Kenobi, I mean the young version – not the old man. Who could reject such as warrior?

Zac Efron – He’s in the boxes for High School Musical style dolls, but that’s no reason he can’t get to know Barbie a bit. He’s young, he’s fun, he can sing. He makes the perfect guy for a girl looking to go out on the town and have fun again.

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