Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rox My Sox – Barbie Games

What is it about Barbie games that makes me want to be a teen again? I love silly teen expressions and the funny things they say. Most of all, I love the innocence of being a teen and knowing that even the most stressful things in your life aren’t that big of a deal.

Of course, as a teen, those “stressful” things you know aren’t really that big of a deal can still be a huge ordeal as you navigate the tricky waters. It’s for this reason that I love Barbie games the most. Barbie is the symbol of what is good and right in the world. She’s pretty, she’s always happy and she has a great job and her choice of men.

When I finish growing up, I have every intention of becoming a Barbie. Of course I can’t trade in my human form for a bit-too-perfect plastic one, but I can make it so that I’m happy most of the time, have the company of good friends and enjoy every job I ever have. What could be better than that?

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