Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Barbie Games and Pinterest
I’m a recent convert to Pinterest, but I’m already addicted. It’s scary how quickly you can get sucked into the site full of pictures, ideas and plans for others. You might think of crazy cartoons, interesting crafts and that sort of thing when you’re considering Pinterest, but there are plenty of other ways to use the site as well – including showing off some of your Barbie games.
Barbie games are typically played by yourself, or perhaps with a good friend who is over for the day to enjoy some of the outfits you have for dressing up your dolls. But you can now play Barbie games with the whole world if you want to take pictures of your creations and post them online. For example, you can dress up your Barbie games in your own creations and then snap a picture of the costume. Pose the doll, create a great look and let everyone enjoy it!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Understanding Barbie Games
Barbie games are hugely popular after more than fifty years and for good reason. The girls who love the Barbie games are those same girls who embrace fashion and the fun that dress up games can be. Barbie games are easy to play for both young girls and older ones, and the dolls are easy enough to play with that you can enjoy them as a teen or even as an adult as you grow older.
Playing with the Barbie games as little girls, the youngest fans enjoy the princess and fairy tale characters that come along. They are just as likely to play with the naked Barbie games as they are to enjoy the games with a fully dressed doll. It's only when a girl gets older that she realizes that you can have the most fun of all creating the clothing for the Barbie games and dressing up the dolls over and over again.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Barbie Games for Older Girls
You don’t have to be a young girl to really enjoy the spirit of the Barbie games. Barbie games are as old as the hills it seems – they are actually about 50 years old now – and they have had fans for years. It stands to reason then than the fans of old might still be fans today, even if they have to keep their love for the fashion plates rather quiet and out of the public eye.
Fortunately, the newest versions of Bratz games allow you to do exactly that. You don’t have to play with Barbie dolls at your desk in the office to know that they are fun and enjoyable at home in your spare time. It’s not uncommon for older women as well as younger girls to pull up the Barbie games websites at home on your personal computer. You can then dress up Barbie dolls for a few minutes when you want to unwind at the end of a long day or just enjoy the new fashions and styles that these games often have available.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Barbie Games and Style
Barbie games are easily one of the most popular forms of entertainment both on the web and off. We just have to give credit to the men and women behind the Barbie styles, however. The dolls are incredibly popular year after year. Barbie has been in the spotlight for more than fifty years and that’s a significant achievement for any reason at all – most especially for a fashion doll who has been challenged more than a few times over the course of her career.
Barbie games have recently moved online, and now you don’t have to have the entire collection of dolls to really enjoy the games, however. Playing Barbie games online means simply dressing up the dolls that you find in the various games. Doll them up and throw on a few accessories to liven things up and then you suddenly have a new style for a new character or story you’re creating – all without the fuss or muss of traditional Barbie games.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Barbie Games and World Fashions
While I wandered down the girl’s pink aisle in the toy store the other day, I was impressed to see so many different kinds of Barbie dolls. Of the various sorts, I was most pleased to see the Barbie games that include the world fashions. The variety of dolls is impressive in its own right, but the costumes that are used for the world fashion Barbie games are very pretty and totally unique from what many of the other Barbie games are wearing these days.
Among the world fashions that I saw on the Barbie games, there were Barbie games from Ireland, Argentina and China. The costumes were all representative of the location, of course, and you can find Barbie in a kimono next to Barbie in a salsa gown. The skin tones and hair color of the dolls seemed to be right on as well for the location they were to represent, which made the dolls that much more appealing to someone interested in true global societies.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Barbie Games and Leg Warmers
It’s winter time – almost – and that means it’s time for my very favorite Barbie look. I like it when Barbie rocks out with her fashions and styles from the 80’s. I especially like it when she’s wearing leg warmers. It’s a safe bet that Barbie games are bringing leg warmers back into style now that we’re back into the styles and fashions of the 80’s, but Barbie is so cool that she was rocking out the leg warmer style when nobody else even had the courage to try it.
The best way to wear leg warmers – if you’re playing Barbie games, of course – is to wear them over high heels. Pull on your leotard and then your swanky leg warmers. Arrange them carefully over your calves and your feet, leaving just the toe of your sassy high heel shoes peeking through to show just how stylish you really are. You work out in high heels! You’re a product of Barbie games for sure!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Katniss Barbie Games
It’s almost sad to consider, but I sincerely want my own Katniss Barbie games. Like so many others, I've loved the Hunger Games from the very early days of the novels. I've read them many, many times – not just by myself but as part of reading groups and clubs, and I enjoy the novel every time I read through it. Now, many people who enjoyed the Hunger Games have been obsessed with all sorts of things from the movie – including Gale and Peeta.
Not me. I love the story, I have the movie and I’m looking forward to watching it at will. But what I really want is the Katniss Barbie. I have no particular reason to want the doll – I just do. I haven’t played Barbie games for well over two decades, but that hasn't stopped me from wanting to collect my own new Barbie games – in particular the fiery-haired hero from the books and movies. Owning the Katniss Barbie games would be simple enough – just buy it at the store. I haven’t actually taken the plunge yet. But perhaps – now that my secret is out – I will do exactly that.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Barbie Games with Ken
One of the most distinctive things I remember about growing up playing Barbie games is how jealous I would get of my sister's Ken doll. She had the Ken doll with the blonde plastic hair while I was stuck with the more stylish. but also more foolish Derek doll. It was the eighties and Derek - at least I think that was his name - ran around with a full head of hair on his head. He had curly hair that I didn't think was particularly attractive. I always preferred Ken's more clean-cut look.
I was sad the day I realized that my mom had cleaned out the closet and given away all of the old Barbie toys. I was able to hang onto a couple of dolls at the time, but I never did see what happened to that Ken doll. Fortunately, I've outgrown my own Ken doll games, but with a niece about the right age, it's only a matter of time before I start buying an entirely new collection of Barbie game and you can be sure that I'll be buying a Ken doll right along with Barbie and her friends.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Barbie Games for School
Looking at the long rows of back to school supplies in the large stores, you can rest assured that Barbie games are doing just fine. How do you know? Why because Barbie games are showing up all over backpacks, lunch boxes and folders. If you can buy Barbie pencils, you can easily count on your favorite Barbie games to be there for you when you need them.
And you may need those familiar Barbie games more than ever as you head back to school this year. Getting in the groove of a new school year can be exhausting, of course, but it’s also a great deal of fun. You make new friends and think of new games to play. But at home, when all of the fun of the day is winding up, you’ll be able to climb in your bed, grab a couple of your favorite dolls and just enjoy the simple peace that Barbie games can bring you.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Barbie Games Goes Drag?
In the world of Barbie games some things we take for granted. Barbie will not have a belly button. Ken will have plastic briefs, and Barbie will always be a girl – or will she? As it turns out the newest Barbie game that is set to be releases is inspired by a man. The Blonds Blond Diamond Barbie is wearing an outfit designed and modeled by Phillipe Blond. As one half of the popular design duo, the Blonds, Phillipe is well known for his beautiful styles and for his love of modeling them as well.
In fact, the dress featured in the latest Barbie games is one that Phillipe has worn – making her look very much like she’s enjoying a bit of drag queen fun these days. Is Barbie a drag queen? It’s reasonably safe to say that she’s not. But hurray for Mattel for bending the rules a bit and changing things up on us. We like nothing better than for our fashion games to keep us on our toes, after all.
Monday, August 6, 2012
Barbie Games and Princesses
Today in the toy aisle of a major store, I was struck by the sorts of Barbie games available. As I looked for a toy suitable for a girl turning three I noticed that there was a rather large assortment of Barbie games that weren't actually Barbie. They were all princess Barbie games. Mattel, in conjunction with Disney, has released a huge assortment of Barbies that are modeled after the most popular princesses in animated films.
I wasn't ready to commit to a Barbie just yet - I think Christmas would be better for the first of the Barbie games this little girl is going to receive, so I didn't pick anything out. But I was impressed by the sheer number of little girl princess Barbies available. They were sold in packages with multiple princesses and there were different dolls to accommodate the different outfits for each princess. It was truly impressive just how many Barbie princess games where were.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Barbie Games and Brunettes
It’s funny if you think about it. Of all the various Barbie dolls available in the toy stores, there are probably two brunettes for every blonde beauty. So why do we insist and picture Barbie as a blonde? It is the Barbie movies that have made us convinced that Barbie is really a blonde? I guess this could very well be the case.
It may also be true that the actual doll named Barbie is, in fact, a blonde. But what about all of those other dolls who have darker hair? If you do a bit of research, it turns out that most of those dolls aren’t actually named Barbie. Most of them are Barbie’s friends and they have their own names and special elements. But the point remains – when we think about playing Barbies, why do we immediately assume we’re playing with a blonde doll? I, for one, have always enjoyed the darker haired dolls more anyhow.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Barbie Games Basics
Barbie games are simple to understand. If they weren't, the Barbie games wouldn't be a favorite of little girls for more than fifty years now. With the classic Barbie dolls, girls can get the dolls dressed up in their favorite fashions and styles. They can move the dolls around the giant Barbie dream house and drive her around in the pretty pink car. But there is much more to do with Barbie games that doesn’t involve quite so much in the way of large plastic stuff.
Some of the best Barbie games are online. Online Barbie games are simple to play, just like the regular versions. If anything, they are even simpler. In a Barbie game, the doll stands at the ready in some basic underclothes. The rest of Barbie’s clothing is off to the side, and you simple drag and drop the items you’d like Barbie to wear onto her body. The online Barbie games are essentially a virtual paper doll, and dressing up Barbie this way is not only easier than the classic dolls, but there is a much greater variety as well.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Barbie Games and the Preppy Movement
There have been lots of names for the preps over the years. Preppy kids, Preps, Socs (remember the Outsiders?) and who knows what else. But it all boils down to the same thing – the preppy kids are the ones who wear the latest conservative fashions with a trendy bent. They are into labels usually and a particular fit or style of clothing. If it fits well, looks great and has the right label, it’s just the sort of thing that the preppy kids love. And Barbie games have long been the poster child of the preppy movement.
Barbie games have occasionally tried to deviated from a conservative preppy thing, but usually they just fall right back into the same routines. After all, the conservative prep thing really works for Barbie. What’s perhaps the most interesting thing to watch in the conservative fashion games of Barbie games is the actual preppy style. Leotards and leg warmers gave way to boot cut jeans and adorable tops. Boots came and went and high heels are forever. Barbie games are simply an ideal expression of preppy fashion choices.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Barbie Games Still Going Strong
Barbie games have been around for decades – they are older than any other fashion doll out there. In fact, they were introduced to fill a void in the toy market. But despite her age, Barbie is still a very strong presence in the world of only fashion and the Barbie games just seem to be getting better with time. Barbie’s market share has gone up dramatically over the last few years, and that may be because we crave something familiar with the economy still in a slump.
Or it may be due simply to the fact that our toy budget is now being spent on toys that have a lasting impact. With Barbie games, you can play with the dolls for hours and never play the same game twice. You can easily sit with your Barbie games and create scenario after scenario to enjoy every day. You’re not restricted to Barbie games in your room, of course, there are plenty of Barbie games online to provide hours of amusement as well – and for those with limited Barbie fashions, the online Barbie games may provide more enjoyment as the fashion selection is wider.
Or it may be due simply to the fact that our toy budget is now being spent on toys that have a lasting impact. With Barbie games, you can play with the dolls for hours and never play the same game twice. You can easily sit with your Barbie games and create scenario after scenario to enjoy every day. You’re not restricted to Barbie games in your room, of course, there are plenty of Barbie games online to provide hours of amusement as well – and for those with limited Barbie fashions, the online Barbie games may provide more enjoyment as the fashion selection is wider.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Barbie Games and Romance
How many of us got our first taste of romance from Barbie games? This was immortalized in Toy Story 3 when we got to watch Barbie and Ken get together for the first time - even if that went sour in the middle. But even without a movie showing us the two are made for each other, we already knew that Barbie games include more than fashion - they include passion as well.
Stop to consider the different dolls available. There are endless princess dolls in the Barbie collections and there are more than a few brides and formal dresses. You can't have a bride without a groom and every princess has her prince or at least a guy to help her across the royal ballroom floor. So that means that every Barbie game that includes a girl probably has a boy somewhere that needs to fill in for important roles. It's no surprise that Barbie games are romantic - we're the one who used to make the dolls date and kiss after all!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Barbie Games and Long Car Trips
There is something promising about a long car trip. Sure, it might get a bit boring in the back seat from time to time, but wise parents know that the best way to beat boredom is to start a game for the kids riding back there. And what better game could possibly be available than the Barbie games that are so affordable and available?
Before you start your car trip, swing by the toy store and look for the Barbie games that are on sale this week – there are always a few new games on sale. For less than twenty dollars, you can walk out of the store with two new Barbie games and perhaps some accessories as well. Wrap up the dolls and present them to your young passengers before the car trip actually begins. A few miles into the hours of driving and you’ll be pleased to hear the laughter and fun coming from the backseat.
Before you start your car trip, swing by the toy store and look for the Barbie games that are on sale this week – there are always a few new games on sale. For less than twenty dollars, you can walk out of the store with two new Barbie games and perhaps some accessories as well. Wrap up the dolls and present them to your young passengers before the car trip actually begins. A few miles into the hours of driving and you’ll be pleased to hear the laughter and fun coming from the backseat.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Why Choose Barbie Games?
Why not choose Barbie games? There are more Barbie games out there than ever before, and they all seem to be amazing. I was walking down the aisles of the toy store just today looking at all of the various Barbie games that are available. Among these games you’ll find the princess dolls that are so pretty to look at and fun to play with. You’ll also find some of the more complicated Barbie games that are suitable to the older girls who enjoy movies like Twilight and High School Musical.
With so many Barbie games to choose from, one of the reasons girls do choose them over and over again is because there is so much versatility with the dolls. You can pick the doll that is dressed the way you’d like to play at the moment – princess, president, doctor, mommy. Then, change outfits, change styles and just keep playing and pretending as long as you want without any interference at all. That is the true beauty of the Barbie games – the ongoing versatility and fun!
With so many Barbie games to choose from, one of the reasons girls do choose them over and over again is because there is so much versatility with the dolls. You can pick the doll that is dressed the way you’d like to play at the moment – princess, president, doctor, mommy. Then, change outfits, change styles and just keep playing and pretending as long as you want without any interference at all. That is the true beauty of the Barbie games – the ongoing versatility and fun!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Bald Barbie Games
Isn’t it great that there are so many new bald dolls around? Mattel has created new bald dolls at the request of many individuals who signed a petition requesting the bald fashion dolls. The hope is that the bald dolls make young cancer patients more comfortable with their own hair loss by playing with bald Barbie games instead of the dolls with long, flowing locks. Of course, the bald Barbie games aren’t just for the cancer victims themselves, they are also perfectly suitable for little girls without cancer as well.
Cancer is sadly still very much a part of our culture, and it’s likely that every little girl will brush up against someone with cancer at some point in their formative years. By playing with the bald Barbie dolls, they are able to see that’s it’s not so odd when a woman loses her hair and, in fact, playing with a bald Barbie isn’t so very far removed from playing with any friend or family member who may have lost her hair.
Cancer is sadly still very much a part of our culture, and it’s likely that every little girl will brush up against someone with cancer at some point in their formative years. By playing with the bald Barbie dolls, they are able to see that’s it’s not so odd when a woman loses her hair and, in fact, playing with a bald Barbie isn’t so very far removed from playing with any friend or family member who may have lost her hair.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Bald Barbie Games!
Mattel has made it official. After being petitioned on, the manufacturer of Barbie games has decided to produce a bald doll. This is not actually a bald Barbie doll, herself, but rather a bald friend-of-Barbie who will make the Barbie games that much more exciting for young girls to play. The bald Barbie games are designed to reflect the “bald and beautiful” appearance of young girls and the family members of young girls who are currently undergoing cancer treatments or other medical conditions that result in hair loss.
The bald Barbie games are part of the True Hope series of dolls that Mattel is making to help support cancer awareness and the treatment of the disease. The bald Barbie games will be joined by bald Bratz games and bald Moxie girls games as well. The end result will be a group of bald fashion dolls who are just as pretty as the one with hair, but they will help to represent a better portion of society as well.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Barbie Games and Hair Color
It's not very often that you used to see a Barbie doll with a different hair color. Barbie games have almost always had blonde hair and the more games you played, the more you became used to the blonde hair. In fact, it was simply the way things were done when you played. Ken even, in the first edition of course, had blonde hair as well.
As the Barbie games became more main stream, we were finally able to move away from the blonde hair that was traditionally associated with the dolls. Now we have Barbie games in any number of differ rent styles and designs, and among those you'll find the red hair and brown hair that makes the dolls unique at least. But most of the time, when you're considering Barbie games, you'll almost certainly run into the blonde haired bombshell we've all been familiar with. Everyone else just appears to be Barbie’s best friend.
As the Barbie games became more main stream, we were finally able to move away from the blonde hair that was traditionally associated with the dolls. Now we have Barbie games in any number of differ rent styles and designs, and among those you'll find the red hair and brown hair that makes the dolls unique at least. But most of the time, when you're considering Barbie games, you'll almost certainly run into the blonde haired bombshell we've all been familiar with. Everyone else just appears to be Barbie’s best friend.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Barbie Games and Creativity
Barbie games are one of the first and best sources of creativity and imaginative play that little girls can enjoy. While they may love their toy kitchen or the little carriage that they push around with stuffed animals, it’s the Barbie house and the dolls and the collection of the Barbie games that really makes it possible for the action to unfold for these girls.
While toddlers enjoy the most basic form of imaginative play – imitating life, the more complex Barbie games that the girls start to play do much more than mimic life. They start to dress up the dolls like characters and act out complicated, imaginative scenarios that not only are fun, but beneficial as well. Having a chance to sit and play is significant for little girls and for the older ones as well. A creative mind is not only important for games early on, but for creative thought as the girl grows to adulthood as well.
While toddlers enjoy the most basic form of imaginative play – imitating life, the more complex Barbie games that the girls start to play do much more than mimic life. They start to dress up the dolls like characters and act out complicated, imaginative scenarios that not only are fun, but beneficial as well. Having a chance to sit and play is significant for little girls and for the older ones as well. A creative mind is not only important for games early on, but for creative thought as the girl grows to adulthood as well.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Barbie Games and New Designs
The warmer months are an outstanding time to dig out your old Barbie games and dust them off. This is the time when you can really start to enjoy your games by pulling out all of the old Barbie games you’ve had over the years and adding in some new Barbie games as well. You may have started with the various princess Barbie games, but there are countless more games that are stunning to own as well as simply beautiful. The number of costumes and different looks are truly impressive.
Among these more interesting Barbie games are the international Barbie dolls that have interesting clothing items, cultural elements and even slightly more ethnic looks. The Barbie games to represent China, for example, have a much more distinctive Chinese look than Barbie games traditionally have. This makes the games that much more interesting since sometimes we get a bit tired of seeing the same blonde bombshell every time we turn around with the Barbie games.
Among these more interesting Barbie games are the international Barbie dolls that have interesting clothing items, cultural elements and even slightly more ethnic looks. The Barbie games to represent China, for example, have a much more distinctive Chinese look than Barbie games traditionally have. This makes the games that much more interesting since sometimes we get a bit tired of seeing the same blonde bombshell every time we turn around with the Barbie games.
barbie dolls,
barbie dress up,
barbie game,
barbie games
Monday, February 6, 2012
Barbie Games and Leg Warmers

I’ve always wanted a pair of leg warmers. It’s been a small dream of mine since I was a girl. After all, Barbie games always seemed to have leg warmers and it’s only fair that if Barbie got some, I should have some, too. Of course, to date I haven’t invested in any, but it’s only a matter of time. In the meantime – while I continue the search for leg warmers large enough to fit a grown-up, I’ll have to be satisfied with the tiny leg warmers that come with the Barbie games.
Playing Barbie games isn’t something reserved just for children. The games are timeless an enjoying a bit of fun with your friends as a child easily translates into plenty of borrowed fun as you grow older. Go back through your Barbie games from childhood and see what has survived the years. Or play Barbie games online and you can see the latest styles and designs that have lasted for decades or just been invented in the last year. You can start a new collection or just continue to enjoy the one you have – Barbie games are always a good time.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Barbie Games and the Kardashians

Strange news is afoot with some of America’s most well-known celebrities. It would seem that Barbie games are getting more popular with pop culture and now the Kim Kardashian dolls are going to be sold. In fact, if you’re not happy with Kim you can enjoy playing Barbie games with either of her sisters as well. All three of the Kardashian girls are going to be made into their own Barbie dolls as part of a marketing development for the three.
This is a big deal, of course. Only a few stars have ever had their own Barbie games, especially dolls that actually look like a celebrity rather than a character from a movie. For example, we have a Jacob Barbie game, but not a Taylor Lautner one. For Kim and company to have their own dolls, they have demonstrated that not only are they the sort of brand that people would enjoy having, but they are also popular enough with younger girls that the dolls will actually sell. It’s almost a scary thought.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Kardashian Barbie Games

I suppose it was only a matter of time, but Mattel has decided to make a new line of Barbie games and the base of these dolls are none other than the Kardashian sisters. If you’re unfamiliar with the three KArdashian sisters, you need look no farther than many of the Hollywood tabloids and reality television. The three sisters are beautiful, pampered, successful in their own way and the perfect girls to model for a new Barbie game.
The most interesting thing about the Kardashians is that the three sisters are all very different shapes and sizes. Kim Kardashian, perhaps the most famous of the bunch, is small with curves in all of the right places. Her sisters meanwhile are either significantly taller or significantly shorter than Kim with their own style of curvy bodies. As Barbie games are known to be beautifully curvy, perhaps this is a Barbie Game match made in toy heaven.
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