Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Best Barbie Games

The best Barbie games are easy to find. If you head to your local toy store, you can find many Barbie games on the shelves. The best of these, however, are the ones that allow you to be creative.

Barbies that are really characters from favorite shows and movies have a personality already set. You don’t get to be as creative when your Barbie games were already in a movie. But the Barbies that are dressed in interesting clothing that are more generic are actually much more fun.

With a generic Barbie, you can play any kind of Barbie game you like. You can make your Barbie a princess, a pauper, the evil stepmother or an innocent bystander. You can dress her in anything you like and nobody can tell you otherwise – unlike Barbie dolls who come dressed in the “right” costume for the part.

The other great Barbie games are online. These Barbie games offer even more freedom of play than the generic Barbie dolls. When you play Barbie games online you can find thousands of outfit combinations and have even more fun with creating your doll’s personality.

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