Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Everyone Loves Barbie Games

Barbie games are a crowd favorite no matter where you go. Barbies are sold world-wide with few religious exceptions, and she is among the most striking icons of the last fifty years. Barbie started humbly enough, but has risen to stardom through the imagination of little girls everywhere.

Barbie Is Pretty
It seems blasé, but Barbie is actually very pretty and it is that beauty that makes her appealing. We love a cute baby doll, but when it comes down to dressing someone up for a party, who wants to dress up a cute little girl, when you can play with beautiful clothing on a beautiful doll?

Barbie is Friendly
In every movie, in every commercial, and in every pink box, you can see that Barbie is friendly and outgoing. She has tons of friends and very rarely has drama. In fact, the only negative thing you might hear about her is the break-up with Ken, but even that was done peacefully and without fighting.

Barbie’s Everywhere No matte where you are in the world, you can likely find a Barbie in the local toy store. Barbies might have a bit more competition these days, but they are so popular, you can find a new one wherever you go. In fact, some women have made it a point to collect them as they travel.

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