Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4 Ways to Improve Barbie Games

Love Barbie games? So do many women all over the world. But there are always ways to improve even your favorite games and Barbie games are no exception.

1. Let your friends play with your Barbies and you play with theirs. It will give you more options and let’s you experience trust by both giving and receiving it.

2.Cut your Barbie’s hair. Giving your Barbie a completely new haircut makes it more fun since now you can do whatever you want. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself giving Barbie more than one haircut, however – it’s rather addictive.

3.Make your own Barbie clothes. Don’t be limited to the Barbie clothes available in the stores. Put your scissors and thread (or super glue) to work and make your very own Barbie clothes to spice up the game.

4.Play Barbie Games with little kids. Little kids have so much fun making things up and using their imaginations. Let your imagination go wild and free when you play with little kids – suddenly everything is possible for a blonde plastic doll.

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