Saturday, May 9, 2009

Alternatives to Barbie Games

If you love Barbie games you always have something to play, but there are alternatives available if you take some time to dig around. Here are some of my favorites:

Bratz Games – if you love Barbie, you probably know about her enemies, the Bratz dolls. But when you play Bratz games online you’ll see that there is plenty of fashion to go around and you don’t have to feel pressured to pick one side of the aisle or the other. You can easily play both.

Fairy Games – As mentioned previously, Barbie has gone to the fairies and I totally approve. But the Mariposa Barbie games aren’t the only ones out there. Check out the true fairy, pixie and other games available from around the world.

Mermaid Games – I’ve noticed that Barbie games in the store occasionally fall into the Mermaid category, so you’ll likely love to play with the online version of mermaid games. Design your own mermaid and you can even put her in your own version of an underwater palace.

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