Saturday, May 2, 2009

Goth Barbie Games

Okay, I’ve always wondered why Barbie dolls must be so perky and happy all the time. Wouldn’t it be fun if there were a goth Barbie doll with maybe a touch of emo? Barbie games wouldn’t know what hit them when Barbie shunned the high heels and showed up in combat boots and fishnet tights.

In my fantasy world of Goth Barbie, she’s have the same blonde hair, but she’d come with styling products and a special black and purple marker that lets you put color in her hair and then wash it out again to do again. You’d also be able to style her plastic hair into mohowks or spikes just to be amusing.

Her Goth Barbie wardrobe would be especially interesting. She’d have plenty of clothing in dark tones, particularly black. Purple and red would be part of her wardrobe as well and everything would be somber, long and slightly romantic. Gloves would be a part of the wardrobe and so would a few chains. Barbie wearing chains is enough fun for to imagine for days.

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