Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Barbie Games and Younger Girls

Barbie games used to be really big with older girls and younger girls alike. Now, younger girls seem to be shunning baby dolls in favor of Barbie dolls and older girls have found other things to do. The change is due primarily to the number of options now available to girls of all ages in the toy department.

Fifty years ago when Barbie was created she was a truly novel creation. A complete break through in an industry that had been giving girls baby dolls to play with for years. Being able to dress up an older girl or even woman in contemporary fashions and fun styles was exciting and it still is for some.

Today, however Barbie games are not the only option available on the fashion menu. In fact, you’ll be hard pressed to find a traditional Barbie. Many of the Barbie dolls have developed new personalities such as mermaids, fairies and popular television characters such as the Hannah Montana Barbies. But regardless of their age, the Barbie fans are still very much present and for those under the age of eight or so, Barbie is a very present part of playtime.

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