Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fairy Barbie Games

A recent trip down the traditional pink aisle of the toy story showed me that Barbie has been up to something extra special. She’s become a fairy. I know, I know – the four-year-old readers out there have known for a long time about Barbie’s Mariposa line and how the slender Barbie dolls are truly fairy like with their brightly colored hair, tiny bodies and big beautiful wings.

I happen to like fairies, so I’m considering adding the fairy Barbie games to my collection. In addition to the largest of the fairies, traditionally blonde, of course, there is also a rather nice variety of other dolls with different wing and hair colors. In addition to dressing up these dolls, you can also change their wing patterns and colors by changing the interchangeable materials.

If I were to add the fairy Barbie games to my collection, I’d feel obligated to get them all. I believe there are four of the primary dolls to start. Just admiring them in the store, I’d have to say that Mariposa’s wingspan is impressive, but it is the brunette friend that is most adorable – at least to this brunette writer.

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