Saturday, July 18, 2009

3 Reasons Barbie Games Have Long Hair

I’ve always loved Barbie games, but I’ll admit that I’ve wondered over the years why there are no, or exceptionally few, Barbies ever made with short hair. Where are the contemporary or punk Barbies? Why do they all look like pageant contestants?

Barbie looks good with long hair. With her small features and large eyes, Barbie carries off her long mane of hair rather nicely. Not everyone can wear her hair to her backside, but Barbie can and does.

Barbie’s long hair offers more styling options. For those who love to do hair, you already realize that Barbie’s long hair gives you the change to braid it, put it up, or leave it down. Having long hair gives you options, and Barbie isn’t a girl to miss out on fashion options.

Barbie’s hair is well known the world over. If you show a picture of Barbie anywhere in the world with short hair, you might have a riot on your hands. Nobody would recognize her, or if they did, they would think you were some sort of sick-o for even suggesting Barbies should wear a shorn head.

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