Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Barbie Games Need More Love

Barbie games have always been popular both in toy stores and online, but in recent years, the Barbie games have lost some of their ever expansive fan base. When the Bratz games appeared, the Barbie games began to suffer. But with the drama that’s followed the Bratz games, I firmly believe it’s time to show the Barbie games a bit more love.

Barbie games have always been wholesome and fashion forward. Mothers encouraged Barbie games simply because they had played them in their youth. Barbie might have an unrealistic figure, but she was independent, dressed well, and became a cultural icon. Bratz games can’t claim the same.

The Bratz games came on strong and stayed that way. The youthful, pouty faces and urban styles attracted many girls, but Barbie fought back. A lawsuit and much publicity later, the Bratz games are at risk, but Barbie is still going strong – just as she has for the last fifty years.

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