Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Barbie Games Are On Top

In the world of fashion dolls, there is no secret that Barbie games have been under attack for some time. The chief competitor for Barbie games are the Bratz games that have become popular with a certain age group of girls. It used to be that Barbie games were alone in the fashion doll marketplace. But with the introduction of Bratz games about six years ago, the Barbie games have been losing a bit of ground.

But even with the uber hot and trendy Bratz dolls trying to steal Barbie’s thunder, Barbie is still on top. When you look at the reasons for Barbie’s continued success, even with such a popular competitor, you’ll soon discover that Barbie is a universal icon and that people from all over the globe love her for her good looks and appealing style.

Barbie’s style might be more conservative than her competitors, but for many girls playing fashion games, this style is perfectly suitable. The clothing Barbie wears and her many spin-offs are classic, stylish and fashionable without being over the top or unsetting. The best part of Barbie’s style is that she has so many evening gowns and formal looks. There isn’t a girl out there who can resist dressing up Barbie in a beautiful flowing gown.

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